Site Manager Academy: 10 questions with Ted Agunday

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Site Manager Academy: 10 questions with Ted Agunday

Since launching our Site Manager Academy in October 2021, we are proud to announce that our first intake are very close to completing their training. Our Site Manager Academy provides participants with essential knowledge, empowering them to become successful site managers all while they work and learn on the job from OD’s best.

We sat down with Ted Agunday to find out how the experience has been for him.

  • Can you tell me a bit about the Site Manager Academy and the process you go through on the training?

The content of the course covers everything you need to know as a site manager from partitions, M&E, contacts. We do a few workshops onsite with relevant people from OD for each subject. Project Managers, the contract guys do a workshop with us. The same with design and sustainability.

  • Before you started the Site Manager Academy, what were you doing?

I was working on OD’s sites but through an agency. My journey is that I started labouring on site, then I went on to become a handyman, then I went to Site Ganger, then Site Supervisor which is when I started working for OD.

  • What do you like most about working on-site?

I like that you see something starting from scratch and you get to the end of it and you see what you have accomplished. Something coming from basically nothing; having a slab and a ceiling, then turning into a beautiful space. I just like it, it feels like the right environment for me.

  • Since you started on the Site Manager Academy, have you worked on lots of different sites?

Yes, with OD, the site I’m working on at the moment is site number 6.

  • Out of all of them, which has been your best and why?

OCI and [confidential client]. I think they were the projects with the best end results. On OCI I was involved from the very beginning to the very end. So I’ve seen the entire journey, which is very satisfying.

  • Out of everything you learned throughout the Site Manager Academy training, what was the most interesting or useful to you personally?

Contracts. Understanding them, and knowing what it is exactly we are contracted to do and what we need to deliver. Actually understanding what is part of our scope and what we are responsible for. It’s easy to say, let’s just get this built and hand it over to the client but it’s knowing all the details so we can deliver the best result. It’s a major requirement for anyone who wants to manage a site.

  • Overall was the Site Manager Academy a positive experience for you?

Oh yes, 100%. Nothing but positive.

  • So, you’ll be a Site Manager for a bit, what do you want to do after that?

I want to work towards Construction Manager, then a Project Manager Role and eventually, hopefully one day make Project Director. Aim high you know!

  • You’ve worked for other companies in the past, what do you like about working for OD?

Their staff! Everyone is really friendly, and there’s no negative politics.

  • Is there anything else you want to say about your experience?

Just that was a really positive experience and so helpful in getting me progressing and understanding the requirements of the job.
I’d really recommend it to anyone looking to get into this line of work.

Thank you Ted, we look forward to following your progress!

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